Timebomb metaphors, mechanic hearts, time, S.W.A.T teams and a lovable tune. Wondering how all of these fit together? Well each of these can be found in All Time Low’s music video 'Timebomb'.
All Time Low (ATL), a 4 piece American pop-punk/alternative-rock band, from Baltimore, Maryland. Signed to the independent record label Fueled by Ramen which is one of the sub labels owned by Warner Music Group. All Time Low’s discography consists of 5 EP’s, 7 studio albums and 2 Live Albums alongside 2 individual released singles.
'Timebomb'. A single off of the 'Dirty Work' album, released by major record label, Interscope. The music video for this song, shows a healthy mix of performance and narrative making it intriguing for the audience to watch as, they are kept entertained and are less likely to get bored since there is different things to pay attention to and not just a performance or narrative.

Essentially, when filming this music video it is highly likely that the band used playback to make the performance shots authentic and have it synced so that the video looks as professional as possible. A reason that bands use performance shots in videos is to make the audio and visual link with one another, and to add a unique and personal feeling to the video. This is because the audience like to know who is singing/playing especially if they’re not already a fan. It is also unique, because every band is different, and have individual styles which helps be relatable to the audience as All Time Low are considered “emo” especially with some of their earlier music; meaning that the audience members who also class as “emo” may feel more of an emotional and personal connection by seeing them.
There is a fairly even split, within this video of narrative scenes and performance scenes. One of the first narrative shots the audience see, is of a male protagonist making something, but it is unknown at first what it is as there is a wide shot angle, with the protagonists back facing the screen. It is only known to the audience what the protagonist is making, a couple of more shots in. Was there inspiration from Iron Man within the narrative? The Arc reactor (or Electromagnet) that is within the narrative, looks almost identical to the one within Marvel’s Iron Man. However it is essential to the video as the electromagnet is a metaphor for the female protagonists heart. “I’ve got your heart, in my hands” is what is visually represented by this mechanic creation made the male protagonist.
The shot variation, range from close ups of the band members and the instruments, to close ups of the protagonists facial reactions. Then there is a variation of wide shots, mid shots and long shots to portray different things like background or actions. For example their is a long shot of during the end of the narrative scenes where the protagonists, are running on a roof top in Los Angeles, California because it is portraying to the audience the background, the conditions like weather as well as the action, of them running away from what seems like the “bad guys” or rather “villains”. Supporting the idea of villains, the Character theory by Vladimir Propps (1986). Propps’ theory (1986) suggested that, there are 8 different character types which can be found within storyline’s. One of the fictional characters including the villain as well as a hero and a damsel in distress/princess.

Additionally, near the end of the video the camera shows the narrative happening parallel to the performance, by having the protagonists running on the adjacent roof top to the band. It is captured from the rooftop that the protagonists are running on, that the band are on the rooftop opposite/next to there’s. Moreover, it is also done from a camera on the rooftop of the band, so that the audience see it from both perspectives.
Finally, throughout the video when the shots change some of them cut to the beat of the drums which makes it feel seamless because it smoothly transitions into another scene.
Are you running out of time? Do you feel like time is like ticking like a timebomb? Have you seen the music video before? If not then go check out the music video for 'Timebomb'. It does not disappoint!
Do not know if you will like All Time Low? If you like bands like Fall Out Boy, Paramore, One Ok Rock, Blink-182, Neck Deep, Sleeping with Sirens and many more, then this band is most likely for you!