It can be argued that one of the world's iconic pop divas Taylor Swift has an equally unique style but some great singles however can the same be said for her new album Reputation? Although the album is a top selling album, from the eyes of a person that isn't a fan the album is a very wannabe RnB feel. For instance take ...Ready for it? An extremely catchy tune which no one can lie, will stay stuck in your head and linger there until you find another song, to find its place. It's lyrically typical of Swift in this song which to hard core Swifters is a rather good thing, isn't it? This song is a great tune to get the RnB vibe but “in the middle of the night” for some it would become an annoying guilty pleasure song.
End Game. Now to an outside audience end game is most likely a way of mixing the Swifters with the fans of Ed Sheeran and Future. This song had a strong baseline but at times lacked the wow factor. “Big reputation” is not necessary what you would use to describe the song, however it is one of the more likeable songs on this album as a whole. Swift definitely hit this album “like bang” that's for sure. I Did Something Bad. Arguably this song is the depiction of the current drama Swift is facing, classic of the pop diva herself. This song as a whole follow s the same themes as both ready for it and end game in terms of strong chords and catchy. But Don't Blame Me is probably the song that sticks out the most, it's the most unique on the album for starters, but this song also has a ballad feel to it, it's slow yet powerful. You can feel the emotion in each lyric if it is listened to properly. Roughly 30 to 45 seconds later the song begins to kick in more and begins to show the emotions from a perspective of love. Has Swift “fallen from Grace” with all this drama and hate in her life and is this album the depiction of that?
Delicate is a captivating, soft, dreamy feel from her “wildest dreams” to the delicate feelings she feels and the “too soon to do this yet” feeling. Definitely without a doubt one of the more enjoyable tracks of this entire 15 song album. So let's talk about that for a moment. 15 songs. 15 songs which are sounding identical to one another, but the lyrics are different. A good 10 of the songs are saying the exact same thing and depicting the exact same connotations
Look What You Made Me Do is a song that will for sure get stuck in your head, and by the chorus it is definitely one that gets stuck it your head for an annoyingly long time. However the more you hear the song and the chorus, it's not much of a chorus, it just repeats “look what you made me do”. That being said parts of the song are more enjoyable, but for sure will be “staring in your bad dreams” for a while. Especially now so that the “old Taylor can't come to the phone right now” possibly a dig at the haters there. Now it's time for So it goes. Again it's one of the songs on the album that sounds so similar to practically every other song on the album but it is pretty relatable to the diehard Swifters. Gorgeous is an enjoyable, beguiling, desirable and relatable song. It makes for a great single but not necessarily a great match for the album because of its overall aesthetic and the connotations, which are more loving and happy than other songs depicted on this entire album. “I'm so furious” to say that this is one of the only songs on this album that is fully enjoyable and it “makes me so mad” to say it is most likely the guilty pleasure song of this album.
Getaway Car is just as addictive but not as enjoyable. It does have a different sound to it as it has the 80s pop feel, similar to something Carley Rae Jepson would write however the song “marks the spot” as it is again, one of the decent songs on this album for a person who is not a fan of Swift. King of My Heart, appealing with a touch of intricate “body and sooouoooul” of the album? Very enjoyable, and a relatively soft feel. Questionnably a song that fits into many people's categories; love song, dancey, full of rhythm. Whereas Dancing With Our Hands Tied is possibly not as “golden” as King of My Heart or as full of rhythm, but catchy it is however it can be argued that “hands” are “tied” on how this song should make someone feel. Is it a bad feeling? A memorable feeling? Nostalgia? Or simply something purely golden, as it does have a sense of romance to the younger teen Swifters. Dress is like a semi permanent “golden tattoo” that wears away really quickly. Has a very full of rhythm feel but annoyingly it's the same as the other songs. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things is yet again too much of the same. It's not really unique as such. This album to a non Swift fan, lacks “style” and uniqueness. Each song is pretty much the same. Call It What You Want, nevermind “crowns” and “liars” this song is quite the tune, soft, fresh. “jokers” that are “dressing up as Kings” for a change. It's unique and act great song that hand in hand goes well with a few of the other decent sounding songs.
Typical and classic sound of the pop sensation Taylor Swift. Which for her audience, is always a great thing. Finally, new years day. “glitter” is the perfect depiction of this song. Soft, catchy. All in all a lovely tune to listen to, as it is fairly soothing to listen to.
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