Call Me The Criminal, is a melodic and balladesque take on the anger and revenge of a broken heart. Turning her emotional and raw heartache into a channeling soulful story of toxic love from start to finish, Minerva has truly captured the bruising of a broken heart and the stages of break ups. The track has a similar sense of this through the thoroughly driven instrumentation. Taking the wheel is her captivating piano playing that paves the way to guitar, drums and bass. The fade in of these instruments works in conjunction with, the mellow strums of guitar played by Alistair McKenzie and the underlining, fundamental rhythm of the bass by Tom Hetzel with drums by Amy Rogerson; which are arguably what makes the song what it is. Her strong, powerful and emotive voice is what makes the song feel authentic and capture the heart strings of the listener.
Straight from "screaming and punching through the days" to "you're the one that murdered this..." it is safe to say that Minni knew what she wanted to expose to the audience by putting herself in a vulnerable place, showing the strength of her talent. With that being said this single may not be everyone's cup of tea, but if you are the type of person that enjoys slower, raw pop with hints of soul and jazz then this single is the one for you and a must listen.
YouTube lyric video -
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Facebook - minerva_music
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